is a collaborative practice working at the intersection of design, art direction and research.

Finders, Keepers

Silvie & Chérif Defraoui: Archives du Futur

Katalin Déer: Zwölf Zwei

Lohngleichheit. Punkt. Schluss!

Denn wenn Chloe Olivia mag …

Kultur Komitee

Georg Gatsas: Signal the Future

Slow Attack Ensemble: Music for Turntable, Guitars and Sampled Instruments

Alex Hoda: Work in Progress

Elio Lüthi: The liveliness of the undead

Netzwerk Design Geschichte

SKKG Final Report

Jurczok 1001: Spoken Beats
Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte SKKG

Wir muten Ihnen alles zu. Peter Trachsel und die Hasena

Swiss Re Klubhaus

F+F Insert

Doris Stauffer: A Monograph

1946, 1947, 1948: The missing years of the most beautiful Swiss books

500 Jahre Reformation

Ryan Gosling Revisited

The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2014

International Sangman: Death Roads and Spirit Ways

Twisted Sisters: Reimaging Urban Portraiture

Georg Gatsas: Are You… Can You… Were You?